I see my life as nothing less than a series of miracles. The signature at the bottom of my email is a quote from Albert Einstein which reads,
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." I align with the latter. Even during the most adverse situations and conditions, I have somehow managed to see the silver linings. The life lessons, clearing the way to a new level of being. This isn't to say that those experiences were easy, non-painful or non-heartbreaking. It is however, the realization of how the spirit, my spirit can take flight after the crash, to find joy again, to enjoy the miracles of this life on earth, and to be "In-Joy." Yes, here I go making up words again. Why settle for only those that reside inside of Webster?
One intention I set for myself this year, actually for my life going forward, was to increase my bright-and-shiny vibrational level and invite in the like-minded—my people. The seeds were planted during a few lunar phase rituals, and in very short order—miraculously my intentions turned to sprouts, and full-bloom in record time. Most notably is a circle-back-around friendship, meaning we have known each other for almost 20 years and during that time have crossed paths in varying iterations of ourselves—and meeting up again in this moment on this path. Me coming out of my period of cocooning (darkness and disintegration), and while I can't speak for my friend—my guess is something similar. I found him to be lighter than ever before, layers of "the unwanted" sloughed off, and offering outwardly a peace and contentment that quite frankly was/is infectious. He is the impetus for my new word, "In-Joy," and the word—trajectory for my life and birth of new wings.
Someone recently said this about me, "Her eyes have the best twinkle!" Hearing that I flashed back through the last two years that brought much sorrow, and with reverence I took the message as the outward sign of what I already was feeling inside—I'm back! Enjoying my life again, happy just being me and "In-Joy."
Note: As I take this journey as writer, it is important for me to anchor each piece with an image. Not usually of myself, but as I was looking for the right visual for this piece I came across this picture and there it was, the twinkle! Photographs are an amazing gift. Capturing a moment, a feeling and spirit frozen in time.
Beautifully said.
ReplyDeleteThanks Lori. All is well?