After two years of bobbing along the slow running current of my life, I decided to start the new year off with identifying the things I no longer wished to carry forward, people, habits, things, patterns and thoughts—to create a very clear and clean intention for my life going forward. The first thing instituted was writing with purpose, thus my commitment to this book of daily musings, which has already opened new pages of opportunity. I also created an intention board filled with carefully chosen words and images to remind me everyday what I have committed to this year and if that wasn't enough—I came up with a method to "live into my intentions." I'm calling it the "30 Days of—" project. It goes a little something like this: Each month of this year I am doing something everyday toward a particular intention. For January, I wasn't sure if it would be 30 Days of Yoga or 30 Days of Views, and on January 1st a very special gift came my way launching me 6,000 feet in the air with a—how can it get better than this—view! My intention, to explain, is to live somewhere that has expansive, unobstructed and Zen-like views, so what better way to get the energy rolling. Each day I take the time to seek a view that fits the intention, and it's been a wildly fun and beautiful experience. There is much written about the causal effect of doing something for 30 consecutive days, mostly along the lines of changing a habit. So why not use it for the implementation of intentions?
For February I am borrowing the last day of January and the first day of March for my 30 Days of Yoga—living into the intention of 'balanced to the core,' and so on. I have a feeling that I'm onto something here, and I share it with you so that you might try it for yourself! Living into intention feels like breathing life into the dream; dreaming followed by doing. Taking some action, and committing to it everyday—it's been powerful.
What is one thing that you could commit to doing everyday toward an intention for your life? It's worth a shot.
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