The numbers starting appearing more frequently in my awake hours; license plates, register receipts, signs...you name it. They even show up as part of the number sequence in my driver's license.
I delved more deeply into inquiry about their potential message—what does it mean and why does it keep happening? When the calendar date of February 22nd rolled around, year after year, I thought "something" was going to happen. Nothing ever did. Never won the lottery, of course I never played it on that day either, perhaps I will today. ;-)
It wasn't until 1999 on a return trip from my birthplace in Lancaster, Ohio that I realized the address of the home that I had been born into was 222 Maple Street. I didn't see it when we toured that little town preserved-in-time, and only after I picked up my photos from the photo lab did I make the connection. I couldn't believe it! The strange thing was, while I was there in Ohio visiting my grandmother, that I felt this incredible connection to it, even though I moved away and to California near my third birthday. The house was very modest, clad in white clapboard, where the numbers 222 hung quietly on a downward slant. Wow, I'm home! I also was remembered that my birth-time, NOT 2:22 a.m., was 2:12 a.m. Thinking about that now, I wonder if it took me 10-minutes to wake up to the fact that I had arrived, taken my first breath, cleared my lungs and head from my mother's anesthesia. Just a thought. Nonetheless, this WAKE-UP time on the beside clock in 1997 was a wake-up call. Literally. Three years later I would find myself divorcing, children coming to the end of their mothering needs, jobless and about to be homeless (not the living on the streets kind,) finding my way to a new life.
The numbers continued and continue to show up for me today. I've learned over the years that to bring some kind of meaning to them, is a forced exercise in intellectualizing something, that isn't THAT. What I began to realize and accept them for are divine pointers. If I had some unfounded doubts about something, that series would show up for me as if to say "Yes come this way!" Or "You're on the right track." "Keep going, keep showing up!"
I don't overthink them any more. When they show up I simply smile and offer them a quiet internal note of gratitude. Thank you 2-2-2 for being my divine pointer—my divining rod.